Diagnostik- & Forschungsinstitut für Hygiene, Mikrobiologie und Umweltmedizin

We conduct comprehensive microbiological lab diagnostics for infections caused by bacteria, viruses, fungi and parasites using modern lab methods.

We also advise treating physicians in diagnostics and therapy. As a university institute, we aim to achieve the best possible standard through continuous scientific evaluation of applied methods.




Sample acceptance/collection

  • Opening hours of the sample reception:
    Mon-Fri from 8:00-15:45
  • Please note: Our sample reception is staffed at the times indicated here. At weekends and outside these times, our sample drop-off point is available around the clock. Please note, however, that personal delivery is preferable for sensitive samples. In extreme temperatures, sample quality may be impaired (e.g. sub-zero temperatures in winter or heat in summer, etc.).
  • Directions for sample collection/sample insertion
  • Sample collection for surgeries: Thanks to our long-standing cooperation with other laboratories, we are well networked in and around Graz, so that we are able to collect your samples from you. If you are interested in a sample collection, please contact us at hyg-kanzlei(at)medunigraz.at.

Information on results

Information on results for physicians

  • You will receive your findings by post, fax or lady, depending on how you have informed us (findings transmission form). For quick information on findings by telephone to your surgery, we recommend that you state the telephone number on the referral form (possibly not the general surgery number).
  • If you are absent, please refer to your substitute doctor. You can do this with a short note on the referral form or by using the medical report information form.
  • Our specialists are available to discuss findings with colleagues by telephone on 0316/385 73701.

Information on results for patients

  • We ask for your understanding that, for data protection reasons (§54 ÄrzteG), we are unable to provide your patients with information on medical findings by telephone!
  • Results are primarily sent to the referring doctors.
  • It is possible to collect the results in person from our sample collection point on request, but only with a valid photo ID! Please call 0316/385 73701 to make an appointment in advance.

Newsletter Archiv

Medical Director

Ivo Steinmetz 
T: +43 316 385 73700

Deputy Medical Director

Ass.-Prof. Priv.-Doz. Dr.med.
Karl Dichtl 
T: +43 316 385 73609

Specimen collection office

  • Monday to Friday: 8:00 AM–3:45 PM
  • On weekends and outside this timeframe our drop-off-box is available 24/7.
  • Directions